Monday, November 26, 2007

Tom and Gerry, the clock is ticking.

How can we enjoy the holidays waiting to find out whether Tom Davis will run for re-election and whether Gerry Connolly will run for the Democratic nomination for Davis' seat?

Today, Sen. Trent Lott announced he's resigning before the end of the year. According to

"A Lott friend said part of the reason, and a factor in the timing, is a new lobbying regulation, signed by President Bush in September, extending the existing lobbying ban for former members of Congress from one to two years. The lobbying ban takes effect at the end of this year."

Undoubtedly, Tom Davis knows the effective date of the new lobbying ban, too. C'mon Tom, go for the gold! It'll be a win-win: more money for you and a better representative for your constituents.

Speaking of the voters of VA-11, does Gerry Connolly really think delaying his decision to run is hurting anyone but himself? Leslie Byrne is out there campaigning up a storm. If Connolly does run, he'll have a higher hill to climb, not only to persuade us that he has something to offer that Byrne doesn't, but also to offer a good explanation for the delay in announcing in order to overcome our doubts about how badly he wants the job.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Tom Davis admits he didn't do his job.

I missed this Washington Post article when it was published last month. I read about it in a comment made today at Raising Kaine.

Tom Davis' quote at the end of the excerpt below speaks for itself.

White House Feels Waxman's Oversight Gaze
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 25, 2007; A01

[Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee] has become the Bush administration's worst nightmare: a Democrat in the majority with subpoena power and the inclination to overturn rocks. But in Waxman the White House also faces an indefatigable capital veteran -- with a staff renowned for its depth and experience -- who has been waiting for this for 14 years.

"We have to let people know they have someone watching them after six years with no oversight at all," said Waxman, 68. "And we've got a lot of low-hanging fruit to pick."

Republicans have their share of complaints. They say that Waxman's staff cuts corners, plays "gotcha" with witnesses and committee Republicans, bypasses GOP staff members by interviewing witnesses rather than depositioning them, and would rather investigate than legislate. But even some of them speak with grudging admiration.

"For the administration, and for a lot of others, people need to be careful now," said Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (Va.), the ranking Republican on the committee. "Someone is looking over their shoulder."

Monday, November 19, 2007

I knew George was tanking, but Laura, too?!

A Troubling Case of Readers' Block
Citing Decline Among Older Kids, NEA Report Warns of Dire Effects
By Bob Thompson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 19, 2007; C01

Americans are reading less and their reading proficiency is declining at troubling rates, according to a report that the National Endowment for the Arts will issue today. The trend is particularly strong among older teens and young adults, and if it is not reversed, the NEA report suggests, it will have a profound negative effect on the nation's economic and civic future.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

From the Washington Post's VA politics blog -

Corey A. Stewart, chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, said today he won't be a candidate for Congress next year.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Washington Post Asks, Is Tom Davis a Eunuch?

Eventually, I'll have to start a new blog, because I doubt Chap will face another Jeannemarie ever again.

Until then, I'll use this one to track the political future of Mr. Jeannemarie, a/k/a, Tom Davis (R-VA-11).

Today's Washington Post has what amounts to a pre-death obituary for the Davises.

I commented on a bunch of quotes from the article in a diary at entitled "With friends like these..."

I saved the best quote for here:

Michael W. Thompson, a longtime friend who is president of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, a center-right think tank based in Virginia....Just because she lost it doesn't mean he's a eunuch."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The system works for a change!

Chap, congratulations and thanks for running. I'm confident you'll do great things in Richmond.

Voters, thanks for voting.

Let's enjoy this victory and soon return to the task of improving our representation.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Chap's Positive Election Eve Message

Please take the opportunity tomorrow to vote. Thanks.

Below is Chap's election eve e-mail message.

Friends, Virginians, citizens of Fairfax:

Tomorrow is Election Day. For me, it's been a year of knocking doors, shaking hands, and giving speeches. Now the day of reckoning is here.

With all the attacks, counter-attacks and media blitz, it's important to remember why we started this effort in January. And why we will end it victoriously tomorrow. Quite simply, the General Assembly of Virginia needs new leadership.

With new leadership, we can produce a 21st-century transportation system which does not just "tax and pave" but rather integrates new technology, proper land use, and energy conservation.

With new leadership, we can become a leader in preserving our open spaces, promoting renewable resources and encouraging sustainable living.

With new leadership, we can build our legacy of higher education with expanded campuses, merit-based scholarships, and student loan reform to permit opportunities for all.

With new leadership, we can demand that Assembly members are fully accountable to their constituents, not their financial contributors.

With new leadership, we can change the tone of the Assembly from one of division to one of unity. We can knit together the disparate elements of Virginia to create a state that is first among equals.

Tomorrow, when you go to the polls, vote for a positive change for this community and our Commonwealth. Vote for new leadership.

I'm Chap Petersen, Democratic candidate for State Senate, and I respectfully ask for your vote.


Chap Petersen

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